Entrepreneur/Small Business Consulting Services
Date and Time
Thursday Nov 21, 2024
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST
Every Thursday from 9:00 - 4:00 by appointment
Plant City Chamber of Commerce
118 W. Reynolds St.
Plant City, FL 33563
Contact Information
(813) 204-9267

The Florida SBDC at Hillsborough County, operating as part of Hillsborough County Economic Development, serves entrepreneurs and small businesses throughout the County and across all industries through confidential consulting and professional training. Please call to schedule an appointment.
*Chamber membership not required.
Want to grow or expand your small business? Want to improve operations of your small business? Need financing or marketing assistance for your small business? Please contact the Florida SBDC at Hillsborough County to schedule a confidential appointment. (813) 204-9267
The Florida SBDC at Hillsborough County, assists existing and emerging businesses in Hillsborough county, through no-cost confidential business consulting, information, and low-cost training.